
The term Self Administered refers to a pension where you have the opportunity to decide yourself what the pension fund will invest in. .It allows you to enjoy the greatest level of control over the direction of your investments, including access to investment in property and structured investment bonds while also being a tax efficient investment scheme.


A change in the Finance Bill 2004 authorised small self administered pension schemes to borrow, other than in limited syndicated investment situations. This relaxation of the rules has allowed SSAPs assume a fresh impetus and direction. Property purchase at home and abroad is now readily realisable within one’s pension fund.

Why my own pension fund?

Because it embodies options, flexibility, transparency and control. Business-owners warm to the idea of knowing what’s going on – especially when it comes to a sizeable on-going investment of hard-earned money. This combination is ideally placed to give better value for money.

Flexibility: a wide range of investment options presents itself – stock-market investments, deposits, tax-exempt unit-funds, property, forestry.

Transparency: means no more and no less than having a handle on what’s happening to your money, how funds perform from year to year and charges incurred.

Control: puts the business-owner in the driving seat.

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